Since 2014 the school has received the PE and Sport Premium. Details of how this has been allocated over the years can be found at the bottom of the page. The impact to date of the premium has made the following difference to participation and attainment in PE/sport:
- All year groups access to high quality teaching in dance
- Increased participation in sports clubs: after school and lunchtime
- Raised participation in competitions and success
- Specialist PE sessions being taught to all year groups: Football, Netball, Basketball, Hockey, Cricket, Tennis, Athletics, Gymnastics and Dance
- Football team reached the final of the Mary Bennett Cup
- In the results of the Best Sports School 2014/15 (Recognition for Provision, Participation and Success) Kender came 11th out of 33. The results provided by Association for Lewisham School Sports
- Swimming attainment/progress improved – PE Subject Leader maintains details of all individual achievements
- School – for the first time – entered a group of children in the Saxon Crown Swimming Gala at Glass Mill Leisure Centre