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  • Resilience



    Own clothes day....

    Last day of term, Thursday 19th December, is own clothes day. Please be reminded that school closes at 2.30pm.

    Some end of term dates:

    Monday 16th December: children in school, in uniform as per usual.

    Tuesday 17th December: children in uniform as per usual.

    10.30am: Whole School Assembly & raffle being drawn

    2:00: Carol Concert at All Saints Church 

    Wednesday 18th December: children in uniform as per usual.

    11:00 - 12:00: Choir to Lewisham shopping centre to sing carols

    1:30 - 3:30: Class Parties - parents please donate if you can

    Thursday 19th December: children to wear own Clothes/Christmas Jumper Day (no charge)

    9:10 - 10:30: Talent Show (Reception to Year 6 in the Main Hall)

    2:30: School finishes; parents please collect children on time.